I just finished reading Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson.
Greg is a climber who failed at climbing the second tallest mountain in the world, K2 in Pakistan, and on the way back down he discovered a town where the children go to school outside in a courtyard, most of the time with no teacher because they have to share her with another town.
He pledges to get them a school. And he does. Then he brings more schools to Pakistan and then to Afghanistan. At one point he attends something that teaches him that the best way to improve life in a community is to educate the girls, because they will usually reinvest their education in their world.
After finishing the book (maybe an hour ago), I went on the site to find out what has been happening since the book was written. It appears that work has continued and there are now several schools in Afghanistan as well. But what caught my eye the most was the link that brought me to this video: