Friday, July 8, 2011

Happy Birthday!

One of the teachers I talk to the most had a birthday just a few days after mine, so the choir threw a birthday for her.

Here is the view, behind the wall of trees is the lake.

The food was really pretty. I loved the way this fish was laid out.

This is my friend from the bank, who has moved away, and the lady I now sit next to during choir - she and I are the ones who are never in the right spot. We always have a good laugh together.

Me and the birthday girl!

After we finished dinner we made my name in katakana with sticks. Here it is.

Everyone together in the bus on the way home.

I have to admit, I was surprised at how much more of the events at the birthday party I understood this year. I loved being able to just chat with everyone. Though, at the end of two hours of straight Japanese talking, my brain was fried.
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