The Tengu Matsuri this year was for me, yet another photo challenge with my new camera. Last year, I managed to get a few decent shots by pushing my camera to the max and then playing with the shots a bit in Photoshop. This year, with a new camera, I was excited to see what would happen.
After last year, I knew that the Tengu would be walking through the fire. I also knew a good place to be able to see over the crowds (and being short, that’s important). But I hadn’t used this camera very much for this sort of setting yet. I don’t know how it handles with all the manual controls or what the highest iso that is acceptable to my eye is yet.
So, keeping those things in mind, out I went to experiment with the camera and have some good times with friends.
The evening of the festival we were supposed to have a barbeque at the campsite. When we arrived at the barbeque pits, we found a swarm of mosquitoes. We decided to head back to N’s house and have the barbeque there. But, the re-adjustment in plans meant we made it out to the scene of the festival later than anticipated.
R and I decided to go for the stairs that overlook the whole thing again, maybe people are put off by the fact that they have to move when the Tengu and floats come through, but it was one of the last places open where I knew I’d have a good angle on the activities.
Here are a few of my favorite shots:

After last year, I knew that the Tengu would be walking through the fire. I also knew a good place to be able to see over the crowds (and being short, that’s important). But I hadn’t used this camera very much for this sort of setting yet. I don’t know how it handles with all the manual controls or what the highest iso that is acceptable to my eye is yet.
So, keeping those things in mind, out I went to experiment with the camera and have some good times with friends.
The evening of the festival we were supposed to have a barbeque at the campsite. When we arrived at the barbeque pits, we found a swarm of mosquitoes. We decided to head back to N’s house and have the barbeque there. But, the re-adjustment in plans meant we made it out to the scene of the festival later than anticipated.
R and I decided to go for the stairs that overlook the whole thing again, maybe people are put off by the fact that they have to move when the Tengu and floats come through, but it was one of the last places open where I knew I’d have a good angle on the activities.
Here are a few of my favorite shots: