Saturday, December 22, 2012

Mom & Em visit Kamakura 2

On our second day in Kamakura, we rented bikes and road around Kamakura. It was one of Em’s favorite things on the whole visit.

Our first stop was Hasedera Temple, just a few blocks up from the beach.

I found this little pond interesting. It had the swastika shape, but Japan doesn't use it like the rest of the world, it’s one of the markers for temples or shrines on maps. The lake had that shape.

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You can kind-of see it’s interesting shape here.

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I’m not sure what these guys are for, but I find the lines and lines of them fascinating.

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I loved how green Kamakura was.

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Ajisai (Hydrangea)! It was one of my new words while we were in Kamakura.

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I’m not sure why the ones in Japan have this different shape, but I think it makes them more photogenic than the American ones that end up being a big ball.

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The statues at the temples and shrines have a very interesting texture after sitting out in the weather year-round.

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The view, which would have been much better if it hadn't been so cloudy.

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At this temple, we found a very cool shrine that went into the mountain. It was a tunnel shrine.

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Here it is from inside.

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After walking all around that temple, we were hungry so we went for Okonomiyaki and Yakisoba.
The fun of this type of shop is you get to make your own, right on the table.

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After lunch we found the beach and played in true Oregonian style, in the rain.

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Mom and Em needed combini pics. Mom’s got Ume (plumb) soda.

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And Em found an “American Dog.” This growing kid was so-so on
many Japanese foods, but we couldn't ever seem to feed her too much.

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After some more bike riding, we made it to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine.

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Some shots of the temple as we walked up to it.

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We managed to find ourselves at the temple on Tanabata, so the trees were decorated for the holiday.

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I love all the intricate folding that goes into Origami.

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A few more shots of the area around the temple.

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This was Em’s favorite part of every temple we visited – it was hot and getting a bit wet always felt really good.

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The many faces of Em.

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But I knew if I waited long enough, I’d get that cute smile.

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The fortunes always make interesting photos.

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The streamers are hung for Tanabata.

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The area near the station had also been decorated for Tanabata.

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