Saturday, November 28, 2009


Today is the day after Thanksgiving here, but I didn’t really celebrate until today when I got to talk to my extended family on Skype.

So today’s blog is about all the ways the Lord has blessed me, because while it’s hard to be so far away, the Lord has also blessed me in a ton of ways.

In a country where less than 1% of the people are believers, I have a JTE who is not only a believer, but also is willing to bring me along with her to church any Sunday that I’m in town.

Church. Through my JTE I have found an amazing church that has a heart to see people grow in the Lord. Both their own members and to reach out to others in Japan. They also have an American missionary who can translate for me. So I actually understand the message!

Work. I have a job. So many people in the world are struggling to find a job so they can pay bills and support a family. I am able to not only pay my bills, but save and pay down my school debt.

Japanese. I am understanding more and more everyday. With that understanding also comes more ability to communicate with people, which is so exciting.

Friendships here. I have been able to connect with a few of the other teachers in my schools pretty well. They still don’t have the western culture of “hey, want to do something tonight?” but I have been able to have them over and they’ve had me over.

My town. The people here care about me. If I were to voice a problem, they would help me find a solution. They also pay half my ticket home once a year. Which is HUGE.

My supervisor. Her family has adopted me a bit. I get to have dinner with her family tomorrow and she’s taken me with them to Furano several times to shop and go to her son’s baseball games.

Other JETs. I have made some good friendships here and have been able to travel some to see these friends. I haven’t left Hokkaido yet, but there is a whole lot to see even here.

Bible Study. Because of the Christian Jet Fellowship, I was able to get connected with 3 other believers and we have Bible Study every Thursday night. It has been an amazing time to grow in the Lord and build one another up.

My family. I have an incredible family who cares about me a lot.

My home church. Where many of the people not only care enough to pray, but many care enough keep in contact through letters and email.

Friends. I have amazing friends at home who haven’t let the distance get in the way of our friendships.

Skype. I have been able to talk to my family and SEE them despite the fact that I am so far away. It’s hard not to be able to give hugs, but it’s also been wonderful to be able to not only talk to them for free but see them too.

Many of my blogs may be about tough things the Lord has brought me through, but he has also put so many blessings in my life.