Today we had our first real snow. Last week we had some, but it didn’t even stick to the streets.
It started to snow last night before I went to choir practice. It continued though the night and today, when I left for school it was a few inches deep (probably about ankle deep). My first thought “oh no, I haven’t actually purchased snow boots yet.” So I left in my tennis shoes. My shoes were quite wet by the time I arrived at school, but my feet hadn’t actually gotten wet.
I throughout the day I watched it continue to snow. I spent a large amount of my day with my back turned to my desk and my eyes on the window watching the snow fall. It was so beautiful.
When it was time to go home, I arrived back at my shoe locker to find that my shoes had not dried. They were still wet. Since they were still my best choice for snow I put them on and set out for home. By the time I was half way home my feet were cold. They weren’t too wet, but they were cold.
After the half hour-ish walk home in the dark, my feet were still warm, thanks to 3 layers on my feet, one of them being wool socks. But they were wet (ick!). Can I make it through to the weekend (when I can shop with my JTE) with my tennis shoes? Would my rain boots (which don’t fit tight) be a better option?