Saturday, May 18, 2013

A day in Muroran

Today, I visited my friends in Muroran. We went to do hanami (flower viewing) in a nearby park with a college international club. The students were from all over Asia and a super fun group to hang with. There were only about 6 flowers in the park though.

今日室蘭に住んでいる友達と遊んだ。 私たちと近い大学の国際交流部と花見に行ったつもりだったけど、花があまりなかった。生徒はだいたいアジア人。

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This is Ai, her name means love. I told her she was cute and she adopted me as her sister. Her dad is actually from my tiny town!


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We also found my favorite seasonal ice cream at the convenience store. This means my birthday is coming!


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After hanami, we went to the beach.


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Three of us ladies, we were missing J’s husband.


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Me, enjoying the sunshine.


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Spring flowers!


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2013-05-18 17.50.18

We found Sakura! (Cherry blossoms)


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