Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Cold Stone and Costco

On Friday, R and I headed out to Lake Toya for the HAJET Meet. Before that, we stopped at Costco for the food for the weekend and for running shoes (at the outlet mall).

Of course, a stop at the outlet mall had to include a stop at Cold Stone.

2013-06-28 Cold Stone 001

R didn’t love the flavor of her ice cream at first. It grew on her though.

2013-06-28 Cold Stone 003

After the outlet mall, we moved on to Costco. Look how HUGE everything is!

2013-06-28 17.15.41

Most of the Japanese people left with carts with 5-6 things in them, they obviously don’t know how to do Costco! Western-style Costco shopping! (By this point D had joined us). Western style because we were Canadian, Australian and American.


2013-06-28 19.06.05

The receipt. Crazy long, but it had all the food for dinner for 50 people.

2013-06-28 19.13.38

My cell phone is, once again, a terrible camera. But this receipt is SOOO long. 