Monday, April 22, 2013

Surprise Party!

On Friday, it was my friend, Aya’s birthday. On Saturday, We had a surprise birthday party for her.

金曜日にあやの誕生日。 だから、土曜日にサプライズのパティをした。

A small group of us went out to the cottages near the lake and prepared.


This is Tomo.


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This is Ami.


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Preparing. They decided that her birthday should have a graduation-like ceremony. Ami is making a list of the things that are going to happen during the ceremony.


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Here is the finished product, complete with all participants’ faces.


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Here’s the “stage.” Complete with the paper flowers that are always used to decorate all Japanese graduation ceremonies.


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After everything was ready, we had to take a few pictures.


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Then Ami left to go get Aya. So we waited some more. (I had the camera set for time lapse so it could capture the whole of the ceremony, unfortunately I started it WAAAY to early).

あみはあやの家に行った。私たち待った。 (駒落した。はやすぎた。)

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Then the ceremony began. Miyauchi-sensei gave a speech and a paper for Aya. I handed her the flowers that are in my hands in this shot. Apparently graduation ceremonies move quick enough that I should have had it shooting more than 4times per minute.

式ははじめた。 みやうちー先生はスピーチした。私は花をあげた。

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Tomo gave a tear-filled speech. Actually, it was laughter filled, but faking tears made it less obvious she was crying.


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Be quiet Aya! Quit laughing! (Tomo was very strict)


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The group shot.


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Birthday girl!


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Apparently, 29 is the meat birthday. It’s a play on words, because 2 is read “ni” and 9 “ku.” Meat is “niku.” 29, isn’t read that way, but the two numbers separately are. This was dinner.


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Aya with her birthday presents.


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Round 2 for the meat birthday.


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Aya and her cake.


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The cake! It had blueberries.


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In the end, we stayed up until 4am playing cards. I taught them “Killer Uno,” but re-named it to “Crazy Uno” because I figured that’d be easier to remember (And how do you translate "killer" as a game name??). It was a lot of fun.

4時までUnoをした。私は「Crazy Uno」を教えた。とても楽しかった!

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