Friday, April 5, 2013

High School Welcome Party

This year brought some big changes. My main JTE from my first two years was transferred to a new school.


Somehow that means I get two new JTEs. One is a brand new teacher. She seems like she’ll be a lot of fun.


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The next is a teacher who worked with a different friend last year. It sounds like his main job is to support my new JTE as she learns the ropes of being a new teacher.


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This was dessert. Isn’t it pretty?

デザトー。 きれいね。

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After every one of the new female teachers did their intros, they asked “how about S-sensei?” (as in dating him). I had been thankful that I wasn’t a new teacher having to do an intro. Then all the previous teachers had to do intros. You know how this ends.

新しい女の先生の自己紹介の後、この2人は「S先生はどう?」と言いた。 私はその時に自己紹介しなかたから、安心した。 でも、その後、新しくない先生は自己紹介した。もちろん、その質問を聞いた。

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Probably the most common sight at an enkai. Pouring more beer (or tea, if it’s my glass).


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The whole group. It’s going to be fun to teach with these teachers for another year.

全員。 もう一年は楽しそう。

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