Monday, April 1, 2013

Sakura Mochi Making

Today, my friend K and I made sakura mochi. Sakura means cherry blossom. Last week she gave me a set to make it and the Japanese in the recipe seemed hard, but it also seemed like a good excuse to do something together.

今日Kちゃんと桜もちを作った。先週セットがもらった。日本語はむずかしそう。 そして、友達とのほうが楽しそうから一緒に作った。

We made plans and she came over after work today.

The first step was to make the mochi and to color it. Apparently American food colors are stronger than Japanese food colors. We have some pretty bright mochi!


Here, K is rinsing the Sakura leaves to wrap the mochi in later.

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Here they are laying out to dry. I think they have a pretty cool shape.


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After the mochi and the leaves are ready, it’s time to assemble the mochi. The ball in the middle is an-ko (red bean paste).


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Here’s the finished product. Aren’t they pretty? Usually they’re more pink than red, but we got a little carried away with the food coloring – oh well! Maybe next time we should try blue? : )

作った!赤は少し明るいね。次の時に青?: )

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Here they are from above. I wasn’t good at guessing how much mochi each one should get, so we have one really big one.


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In the set she gave me, there was also sakura tea. It comes in a cube like this and then dissolves in water. It was yummy and had a very pretty sakura blossom in it.

桜茶の物。 物の中に桜はきれい。

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We finished! (Actually, we finished ate dinner and then ate the mochi).


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