Sunday, June 16, 2013

A birthday celebration

Yesterday, I celebrated my birthday with a bunch of friends. Some from town, some who live in other parts of Hokkaido.


2013-06-15 18.13.40

K brought Totoro onigiri.


2013-06-15 Birthday 001

R was one of the group who was cooking.


2013-06-15 Birthday 002

A couple of group shots, we didn’t quite get everyone in them though.


2013-06-15 Birthday 003

2013-06-15 Birthday 004

Birthday dancing.


2013-06-15 Birthday 006

Here are the shots from various cell phones. Cell phones don’t take the best photos at dusk.

皆の携帯の写真。 黄昏に携帯の写真は難しい。

2013-06-16 22.23.45

2013-06-16 22.24.48