I have a nasty cold. I don’t really feel like blogging, but to keep in spirit with my NaNoWriMo friends, who are writing 50,000 word novels this month, I decided to blog everyday.
So today, I’ll introduce you to today’s drugs:

From left to right:
So today, I’ll introduce you to today’s drugs:
From left to right:
- Tea – pretty much my favorite anytime
- Mystery Japanese cold meds – take them three times a day, with meals. Or in my case once when you’ve forgotten yours at home. Likely, I’ll take them again tomorrow in the morning and at lunch time.
- Nyquil knock off – got it from a neighboring ALT who was leaving. It’s been great for sleeping through the cough that started two nights ago. Took the last two doses over the last two nights, so a new bottle tonight.
- Honey – great for stopping coughs and feels good on a sore throat.
- Ginger tea – tastes NASTY, but makes my clogged up sinuses so happy.
- And a special guest Kleenex – wouldn’t want to have a runny nose without them around.
- Vicks’ vapor rub – the only way to be able to sleep if you have congestion.