Sunday, November 13, 2011


Last month, I went to Wakkanai on a business trip – to a team teaching conference. I went a bit early and spent the weekend with a good friend – which is what the majority of these photos are.
E has a new nephew arriving soon, so she was modeling some of the things she was considering sending over for the new baby.

2011-10-10 Wakkanai 001

E also decided she was 10 years old and had to jump instead of using the stairs. I couldn’t resist catching it on film (or, um, digital sensor).

2011-10-10 Wakkanai 006

I was amazed when we came around the corner in Wakkanai and found the sea of solar panels, I couldn’t seem to capture them in a way that made them stand out, but to the right of the road and back is where they’re at.

2011-10-10 Wakkanai 011

We took two separate pictures thinking later we could photoshop the two together . . . but I’ve since realized I have no idea how to go about doing it.

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After a quick around that building, we headed outside to play on the playground. E was curious about this slide and decided to go down it.

2011-10-10 Wakkanai 018

When I said “go” she stayed there for a few seconds before I said, I’ve just taken ten photos of you in that position, you have to go!

2011-10-10 Wakkanai 023

After playing on the slides, we headed for the main playground. We found this teeter totter, we each stood on one bar and took turns jumping and coming down to get the other person to fly a bit. It was good fun and good for our abs too, I’m sure.

2011-10-10 Wakkanai 025

Then we found the big spider web-y thing and climbed in it. E went way up high in it.

2011-10-10 Wakkanai 027

I didn’t get so high, but I did have a lot of fun photographing E from new angles.

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The playground as a whole, though you can’t actually see the big slides from here.

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We decided to go on a short hike, but we weren’t sure which trail to follow – the one up to the look out or this one to a mystery location.

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Here' comes E!

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E’s queen of Wakkanai shot . . . she takes this job quite seriously.

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Guess being a dancer is a part of the job description?

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Course that means we need to take some jump shots, right?

2011-10-10 Wakkanai 0622011-10-10 Wakkanai 065

Then we went to see the swans, since they had gone north for the summer.

2011-10-10 Wakkanai 076

But they had been fenced off because of past bird flu issues. I thought the light on the fence was really pretty.

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That same light was also really pretty on E.

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We were a bit cold, so we went in search of warmth, and where better than a coffee shop? I got a Vienna tea. Which basically meant they put whip cream on top. It made the slightly bitter straight black tea sweet and nice.

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E is great at being cute with her coffee.

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Me, not so much.

2011-10-10 Wakkanai 083

We had a really fun day of freedom before the conference the next day. A couple of hours after this, we headed to the station to pick up those who were also staying at E’s place that night. We proceeded to have a really fun night of dinner, games and fun.