Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Golden Week Day 4 mobile

Tonight, we're staying in the capsule hotel!

Good night!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Golden Week Day 3 mobile

My sister made it to Japan!

I made a mistake on the days though … I've got one extra day in Tokyo after she leaves!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Golden Week Day 2 in mobile photos

Today's photos are also all from my cell phone.

Today I left the hostel in Asakusa and headed for Ueno Park. It's basically just straight west and this part of town is mostly like a grid, so I just picked a random street to walk down. It was way less busy than the main street.
今日浅草のホステル から出かけた。上野公園まで行った。

The weather was perfect for the walk across town and for wandering in the park.

I was asked to take a picture of someone so I figured I'd have them take a shot of me for mom.

Where I ate lunch. Really yummy Korean food.

I don't think they mean to say what it says in English.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Golden Week Day 1 in mobile photos

All of the photos in this post were taken on my phone. Better photos from my camera to come later.

The trip started at a near by train station. 

At the airport, I met friends who were headed to Shikoku.

Then I met two more Hokkaido friends, who were on the same flight and staying near me. We road the train together.

Kaminarimon at night. Isn't it pretty?

After being distracted by a good chance to take some night shots, I finally went and found dinner. I had Indian Curry. It was delicious.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Grad School App–Check!

My grad school application is ready! Just have to print my essay and then it’s done! The reason the USB stick is in the pic.


2013-04-26 Grad School App 005

In other happy news, I leave for Tokyo tomorrow and I'll get to see Mandie soon!!!


Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Less than a week till my sister comes to Japan! I’m so excited!


I spent the evening packing . . .  and procrastinating. So I didn’t take any new photos, so here are a few of my lovely sister!

夕方に荷作りしたから、新しい写真を撮らなかった。 だから、妹にいる写真がある。

2011-12-29 Mini golf 011

At the Lebanese restaurant at home.


2012-01-05 Sisters 005

My sister and her husband.


2012-12-27 14.35.12

You’ll likely be seeing a lot more of this face while she’s here!


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A beautiful Sunday walk

After playing cards the night before, Sunday morning was absolutely gorgeous.


2013-04-21 07.28.55

With beautiful weather like that and everyone still asleep, I knew a morning walk to the lake was in store. So while everyone else slept in, I went for a walk.


Unfortunately the early morning light was already gone by the time I got outside, but the weather was still beautiful.

Here’s a cabin like the one we stayed in.

はやい朝の光が終わったけど、天気はきれいだった。 近いコーテジ。

2013-04-21 2013-04-21 Uno & Lake 003

The lake was a short walk from the cabin and being out in the sunshine made me smile a lot.

コテージから湖は近かった。 太陽があったから、うれしかった。

2013-04-21 2013-04-21 Uno & Lake 005

Until now, I hadn’t managed to capture the reflections on the lake.


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One of the walking paths.


2013-04-21 2013-04-21 Uno & Lake 017

Even if I still should have been asleep, it was a beautiful way to spend Sunday morning.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Surprise Party!

On Friday, it was my friend, Aya’s birthday. On Saturday, We had a surprise birthday party for her.

金曜日にあやの誕生日。 だから、土曜日にサプライズのパティをした。

A small group of us went out to the cottages near the lake and prepared.


This is Tomo.


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This is Ami.


2013-04-20 2013-04-20 Aya Surprise 003

Preparing. They decided that her birthday should have a graduation-like ceremony. Ami is making a list of the things that are going to happen during the ceremony.


2013-04-20 2013-04-20 Aya Surprise 005

Here is the finished product, complete with all participants’ faces.


2013-04-20 2013-04-20 Aya Surprise 007

Here’s the “stage.” Complete with the paper flowers that are always used to decorate all Japanese graduation ceremonies.


2013-04-20 2013-04-20 Aya Surprise 008

After everything was ready, we had to take a few pictures.


2013-04-20 2013-04-20 Aya Surprise 009

Then Ami left to go get Aya. So we waited some more. (I had the camera set for time lapse so it could capture the whole of the ceremony, unfortunately I started it WAAAY to early).

あみはあやの家に行った。私たち待った。 (駒落した。はやすぎた。)

2013-04-20 2013-04-20 Aya Surprise 013

Then the ceremony began. Miyauchi-sensei gave a speech and a paper for Aya. I handed her the flowers that are in my hands in this shot. Apparently graduation ceremonies move quick enough that I should have had it shooting more than 4times per minute.

式ははじめた。 みやうちー先生はスピーチした。私は花をあげた。

2013-04-20 2013-04-20 Aya Surprise 021

Tomo gave a tear-filled speech. Actually, it was laughter filled, but faking tears made it less obvious she was crying.


2013-04-20 2013-04-20 Aya Surprise 030

Be quiet Aya! Quit laughing! (Tomo was very strict)


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The group shot.


2013-04-20 2013-04-20 Aya Surprise 042

Birthday girl!


2013-04-20 2013-04-20 Aya Surprise 046

Apparently, 29 is the meat birthday. It’s a play on words, because 2 is read “ni” and 9 “ku.” Meat is “niku.” 29, isn’t read that way, but the two numbers separately are. This was dinner.


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Aya with her birthday presents.


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Round 2 for the meat birthday.


2013-04-20 2013-04-20 Aya Surprise 053

Aya and her cake.


2013-04-20 2013-04-20 Aya Surprise 055

The cake! It had blueberries.


2013-04-20 2013-04-20 Aya Surprise 056

In the end, we stayed up until 4am playing cards. I taught them “Killer Uno,” but re-named it to “Crazy Uno” because I figured that’d be easier to remember (And how do you translate "killer" as a game name??). It was a lot of fun.

4時までUnoをした。私は「Crazy Uno」を教えた。とても楽しかった!

2013-04-21 2013-04-21 Uno & Lake 002

Sunday, April 21, 2013

How a blanket becomes a scarf

Last week, I found a pattern I really liked for a blanket. So I decided to make it in pink and white.

先週に好きなかぎばりあみのパタン(毛布)を見つけた。 ピンクと白にすると思った。

Unfortunately I realized after starting that I didn’t think I had enough of the pinks to finish the project.


I went shopping to find some yarn I thought would look good.


It wasn’t soft. Since I wasn’t going to have a soft blanket out of it, I decided to turn it into a scarf.


Here are the results:


2013-04-11 2013-04-11 Tea & Yarn 007

2013-04-11 2013-04-11 Tea & Yarn 010

Friday, April 19, 2013


Tonight I went out for dinner with a friend. We went for okonomiyaki. When I was driving there, I thought “my favorite!” Then I started thinking . . . soup curry, sukiyaki, nabe . . . I have a lot of favorites.

今日友達と晩ご飯を食べた。お好み焼きを食べた。 運転時に「大好き!」が考えた。 その後、スープカレーとすき焼きとなべを考えた。 たくさん大好きな日本の食べ物がある。

2013-04-19 untitled 001

Here’s our okonomiyaki.


2013-04-19 untitled 002

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Orange and hazelnut Kit-kats

Today, a new seasonal flavor of kit-kats for my list – Orange and Hazelnut.


2013-04-18 2013-04-18 KitKats 001

I was most excited for the hazelnut flavor because I thought it would taste like Nutella. It had a bit of a nutty flavor, but wasn’t anything amazing.


The orange, on the other hand, was amazing! It was exactly what an orange and chocolate combination should taste like.


It even had orange on the inside, see?


2013-04-18 2013-04-18 KitKats 004

What’s your favorite kit-kat flavor?


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dinner with new teachers

Today, I went out for dinner with two of the new high school teachers.


They are brand new teachers, just graduated from college.


The one on the right is one of two new English teachers this year.


2013-04-17 2013-04-17 Dinner 002

This was my dinner! Look at all those bright, colorful veggies!


2013-04-17 2013-04-17 Dinner 001

It was a lot of fun getting to chat with these two.


*  *  *  *  *

In other news, I had my first English club of the year today! I didn’t know it was even going to continue this year until yesterday.

今日英語の部活がはじめた。 昨日の前続くことが知らなかった。

I have 4 students this year – 3 girls and 1 boy.

今年4人 - 女3人、男1人。

We shared some things about ourselves and then we played Apples to Apples. Best English club game, EVER.

私たちは自分のこと教えてから、「Apples to Apples」と言うゲームをした。 英語の部活に最高ゲーム。

I had fun, the kids had fun and we all finished with a smile. Now I’ve gotta think of something good for next week.

私と生徒は楽しかった。 来週いいアクチビティが考えなければならない。

Monday, April 15, 2013

Mid-Winter Thanksgiving

A post written before the March Photo Challenge.

A few weeks ago, Ros decided to host Mid-Winter Thanksgiving. Why? Well, Turkey dinner is her favorite meal and she has a real oven.

So at 1 pm, she put a whole turkey in a real (but Japan sized) oven. This is what came out several hours later.

2013-02-23 2013-02-23 Thanksgiving Dinner 001

Ros is proud of her turkey!

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What I ate. I’d say it’s a big step up for the girl who would only eat turkey, bread and jello as a kid on Thanksgiving day.

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The group of us.

2013-02-23 2013-02-23 Thanksgiving Dinner 010

Ros’ house taught me a good lesson – a bed does not make a very good tri-pod. Next time we’ll use the chair you see cluttering up the photo!

Of course, after dinner dishes had been cleared, a massively long game of hand and foot ensued. In a total flip of how the game had been going, Lina won and I took last place.