Friday, May 31, 2013

Dinner with friends

I went to a friend’s house for dinner this week.

She invited a couple of other friends and we had a small party.

2013-05-29 untitled 045

She put me in charge of the rice balls. They’re Totoro rice balls, aren’t they cute?

2013-05-29 19.57.12

As always, K makes a very delicious dinner.

2013-05-29 19.59.45

Thursday, May 30, 2013


On Tuesday night, I put this into the bread machine:

2013-05-28 22.41.13

On Wednesday, I woke up to this! Whole wheat bread, which I could slice thinly, so I can make sandwiches!

2013-05-29 05.49.00

In other news, this was today’s school lunch. I miss vegetables . . .

2013-05-30 12.21.16

Furano adventures

On Saturday, I met Ros in Furano and we went on adventures around town.

In our search for an onsen, we found these Tulips!

2013-05-25 Sakura 039

2013-05-25 Sakura 044

After the onsen, we went to a cake shop in Furano for dessert.

The shop had tree-house seating and we got to eat outside!

2013-05-25 Sakura 056

My cake and tea.

2013-05-25 16.34.50

Ros and the cake.

2013-05-25 Sakura 054

My phone’s front camera is terrible, but we needed a pic of the two of us.

2013-05-25 16.51.06

Couldn’t have asked for a better way to spend my Saturday. Got to spend the day with a good friend and I finally got my Sakura photos!

Monday, May 27, 2013

New friends

Last night, I went to my friends M&Y’s house.


It’s been a while since I’ve hung out with them, so it’s been a while since I’ve seen their little girl, R.


We had a whole lot of fun playing together.


Two-year-olds are a whole lot of fun.

2013-05-26 21.52.36

Saturday, May 25, 2013

THE Sakura photo

THE Sakura picture!


2013-05-25 Sakura 019

I finally got something quite similar to what I’ve been wanting to shoot for the last 2 years or so. It would have only been better if the sky had been more clear to provide a bit more contrast for the mountains, but I can’t control the weather and it was finally a mostly clear day.

2013-05-25 Sakura 035

More on the day’s adventures later, but I was so excited about this shot, I had to share it!
I’ll probably try again next year for a day that’s completely clear.


I intended to shoot sakura

I intended to go out and shoot some sakura photos (cherry blossom) this afternoon. I got distracted by this rice paddy.


2013-05-24 untitled 030

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Weather and a bread machine

Isn't today's weather cute? Though I'm still wishing for sunshine! 


In other news, I bought a bread machine. Not huge sliced, whole wheat bread here I come! 


Monday, May 20, 2013

A Lazy Bento

Yesterday, I remembered that today was bento day at 5pm in a supermarket in Sapporo. Thankfully there were a lot of food choices. I bought bread and the stuff to make a salad.

I got home at 9pm and didn't care to put much effort into making a bento.

Here is what my bento looked like today.

2013-05-20 12.14.41

Bread and salad with pecans and basil dressing.

2013-05-20 12.16.34

I thought I was buying whole wheat bread, instead I got “black sugar” bread. It tasted like maple syrup. It was good, but didn't exactly go with basil dressing.
全麦パンが買ったと思ったけど、黒砂糖パンが買った。 メープルシロップ味があった。 美味しかったけど、ベジャールドレシングがあった。

As much as I didn't want to make a bento yesterday, I was glad today was bento day when I saw today’s lunch menu. Natto. Bento day for the win!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Friends, Sakura and Lake Toya

Today, my friends ran a 10k at Lake Toya. This is them at 6:30am, when we left the house.

2013-05-19 06.36.08

Sakua at the lake and you can see Mt. Yotei!

2013-05-19 09.03.34

While I waited, I sat here. It’s so pretty!

2013-05-19 10.14.29

The runners and I!

2013-05-19 09.05.14

Saturday, May 18, 2013

A day in Muroran

Today, I visited my friends in Muroran. We went to do hanami (flower viewing) in a nearby park with a college international club. The students were from all over Asia and a super fun group to hang with. There were only about 6 flowers in the park though.

今日室蘭に住んでいる友達と遊んだ。 私たちと近い大学の国際交流部と花見に行ったつもりだったけど、花があまりなかった。生徒はだいたいアジア人。

2013-05-18 14.04.24

This is Ai, her name means love. I told her she was cute and she adopted me as her sister. Her dad is actually from my tiny town!


2013-05-18 13.52.15

We also found my favorite seasonal ice cream at the convenience store. This means my birthday is coming!


2013-05-18 15.20.17

After hanami, we went to the beach.


2013-05-18 15.57.34

Three of us ladies, we were missing J’s husband.


2013-05-18 15.59.16

Me, enjoying the sunshine.


2013-05-18 17.39.37

Spring flowers!


2013-05-18 17.46.07

2013-05-18 17.50.18

We found Sakura! (Cherry blossoms)


2013-05-18 18.08.03

Some highlights from today

It was the perfect morning for a walk.

I challenged my elementary students to organize their ABC cards from Z to A. This group had a bit of trouble. 

The sky on my drive this evening. Isn't glorious? 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Another sign of spring!

Another sign that spring is coming . . . it’s not dark at 7pm!

春が来る! 7時に暗くない!

2013-05-16 18.52.37

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Spring flowers

I found some spring flowers today! 

That's all. Homework time.

Monday, May 13, 2013

First homework assignment

Last night I finished my first homework assignment, and actually today I’m almost finished with my homework until Sunday!

The first assignment was to make a timeline of L2 learning (for me Japanese). Many of the events are recent and while I've been in Japan. Here are a few of them.

Leaving for the JET program, with not nearly as much Japanese as I would actually want to have.
JET Programのため日本へ引っ越した。その時日本語あまりできなかった。自己紹介だけぐらい。

new 001

The garbage poster. Figuring out how to sort my garbage was a difficult thing.

Garbage 01

Riding the train. I was so worried about getting lost that I used wikipedia to look up all the city kanji and put them in my phone’s ‘notes.’ 

09-23 Sapporo 6

Coming back my first year and realizing how much my Japanese abilities had grown (my first ski lessons were my first weekend back).

01-15 Ski1 5a

Joining choir. I could barely keep up when I first got here, and even though I’m still far from perfect, I have a lot of fun singing with these ladies.

2010-09-17 Choir 1

Going to see the lavender fields and telling people we were doing ‘hanami,’ which means ‘flower viewing’ but it’s specific to cherry blossoms.

2012-05-05 2012-05-05 Hakodate 099

My car accident. It was a major pain, BUT I was able to explain what happened in Japanese! 
Thankfully God provided and I didn't have to try to explain to my supervisor – a family in town showed up and took care of me.

2012-02-04 Snowy Drive  011

Moving on up to intermediate level textbooks!

2012-02-09 Shimokin 037

Learning the word for snow plow and finally being able to use it. I have no snow plow pictures that I could find, so the dump truck of snow was the best picture – dump trucks of snow were completely unfathomable when I lived in the Portland area.

2012-03-02 Snow 039

Finishing two novels – Alice in Wonderland and The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.

2012-11-05 14.56.47

2013-03-11 11.14.10

And, best of all, making Japanese friends and being able to talk to them!

2011-09-15 Kana & Mina 004

2012-03-01 Grad Enkai 042

2013-04-20 2013-04-20 Aya Surprise 044